ISBN: 9781642930917 | 288 pages | 8 Mb
Download Permanently Suspended: The Rise and Fall... and Rise Again of Radio's Most Notorious Shock Jock
Permanently Suspended: The Rise and Fall... and Rise Again of Radio's Most Notorious Shock Jock by Anthony Cumia The uncensored and long-awaited life story of radio’s most notorious shock jock, Anthony Cumia. Today, Anthony Cumia is the co-host of the wildly popular “Anthony Cumia Show,” which live-streams to over 100,000 paid subscribers; however, Anthony is most well-known from the legendary, nationally syndicated “Opie and Anthony Show.” Permanently Suspended is an all-access pass to the controversial mayhem that ensued on-and-off the air. A must-read for all diehard O&A fans, Permanently Suspended finally answers the questions that everyone has been waiting for: What really happened between Opie and Anthony? What was the reasoning behind the multiple firings? What prompted the tweeting about the Times Square NYC incident? What is the true account of the controversial allegations? What are the never-before-revealed details of Anthony’s stint in rehab? What does the future hold for his livestream podcast? These questions, and many more, will be answered. Permanently Suspended is a humorous, no-holds-barred account of the legendary career and life of Anthony Cumia—a blue collar guy who made his dreams come true, rising above all obstacles to become one of the most well-known and successful personalities in radio history.
The Rise and Fall and Rise Again of Radio's Most Notorious Shock
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